TinkerTech Releases ScoutMakes Azul Open Source BLE Development Board

The ScoutMakes Azul comes outfitted with Nordic’s nRF52840 SoC and a 128 x 32 OLED display.

TinkerTech recently released its ScoutMakes Azul open source BLE development board based on the Nordic nRF52840 SoC. The board offers an Adafruit Feather design, has native USB support, and runs CircuitPython and the Arduino IDE. It also boasts a reset switch and convenient on/off switch, making it an excellent platform for a myriad of applications.

According to TinkerTech, “The platform comes preprogrammed with a UF2 bootloader and CircuitPython ready to go out of the box. You can pair the Azul with Adafruit bluefruit application in iOS or Android to get going. The application includes a color picker, quaternion / accelerometer / gyro / magnetometer or location (GPS), and an eight-button control gamepad. This data can be read over BLE and processed directly by the nRF52 microcontroller.”

The ScoutMakes Azul packs a USB Type-C port, and 21 GPIOs with six 12-bit ADC pins, and up to 12 PWM outputs.

As mentioned earlier, the ScoutMakes Azul packs an nRF52840 with an Arm Cortex-M4F, 1Mb of Flash and 256Kb of SRAM. It also features a BLE 2.4GHz compatible radio, 128 x 32 OLED display, USB Type-C port, up to +8dBm output power, and 21 GPIO, with six 12-bit ADC pins, up to 12 PWM outputs (three PWM modules with four outputs each).

Rounding out the board’s specs is a red LED for general purpose blinking, NeoPixel for colorful feedback, and an open source USB stack that comes preprogrammed with the UF2 bootloader. TinkerTech is selling the ScoutMakes Azul on Tindie for $33.87, along with the source code, documentation, and design files for those who prefer to build their own board.

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