Time Since Launch Is What You Get When You Combine a Clock with a Time Capsule

Time is strange concept, and measuring time over the long term is more difficult than it sounds. For instance, can you identify exactly how…

almost 6 years ago

Time is strange concept, and measuring time over the long term is more difficult than it sounds. For instance, can you identify exactly how long it’s been since you got your dog? How about how much time has passed since your parents met? If you’ve ever wanted to track the passage of time after an important life event, Time Since Launch is for you.

Time Since Launch is a long term clock about the size of a small flashlight. It has a pin, and when that pin is pulled it begins counting on an LCD readout. The readout displays the days, hours, minutes, and seconds since the pin was pulled. It can’t be turned off, and will simply keep counting until the LCD is full after 999,999 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds — about 2,740 years.

To put that into perspective, if Julius Caesar had a Time Since Launch and pulled the pin the day he became leader of the Roman Republic, it would still be counting today with hundreds of years left on the clock. So, what can you use it for? Maybe to mark a significant event in your life, or to put in a time capsule for future generations to discover. Whatever you decide to use it for, you can be confident that it will be continue counting away long after you’re gone.

Time Since Launch is on Kickstarter until June 20th, and has already reached almost double the funding goal. A single device will cost you $150, and should ship in January 2019.


Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism

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