Tile Joint Cleaner Assists with This Tedious Task

No pressure washer or scrubbing on your hands and knees necessary.

Tile floors are great for wear resistance, and their surface can be readily cleaned, but what about the grout space in-between? Cleaning this grout area thoroughly requires some extra attention, so rather than getting out a pressure washer, or scrubbing on his hands and knees, Elite Worm came up with a custom floor joint cleaning machine.

The build is nicely outlined in the video below, including the use of a small DC motor and 3D-printed impeller assembly to pump cleaning fluid onto the floor as needed. Cleverly, Elite Worm creates a gasket and seal using latex glove material, which could be a helpful trick for other projects. A larger motor spins a nylon brush wheel, which takes care of the scrubbing itself.

Both the wheel and pump are actuated by pushbuttons at the top of the device’s handle, meaning the user can get things clean without having to bend down all the time. Power is provided by a 7.2V 4000mA NiHH battery, presumably giving it a long clean time before having to recharge.

It’s shown in action at around 12:10 in the video below, cleaning a porch-type area. Given its area specific design, it could likely be utilized on more sensitive indoor spaces as well.


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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