Tidy Up Your Workbench with This Prototyping Stand

Sebastian Glahn created a clean 3D-printed breadboard setup for portable prototyping.

over 3 years ago

Breadboards are essential tools when working with electronics, but all too often things get messy, with components splayed about on a workbench in a manner that takes some effort to transport or clean up. In order to keep his workbench tidy, as well as potentially teach his kids about electronics, software engineer Sebastian Glahn made a breadboard system that gives him a lot of room to work, and can be transported with ease.

The prototyping stand features a 3D-printed structure and a double-PCB work surface on which to plug jumpers and components. A 9V battery supplies power, along with an HW-131 board to regulate the voltage to 3.3V or 5V. Banana jacks are integrated to connect the appropriate leads to the breadboards themselves, used "because they look cool." Given the board's setup, the device could potentially be adapted to receive juice from an external supply instead of the battery if needed.

A switch on the top turns power on and off, and an LED indicates the circuit state. STL files are available on the project write-up if you want to build your own. It looks like a really clean way to prototype electronics on the go — and more easily clean up after curious kids!


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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