This Wireless LED Matrix Cube Runs on a Raspberry Pi

The DIY device can display various moving images, lights, and patterns.

almost 3 years ago Lights / Displays

If you’ve ever wanted to have a light show in your own home, then you’ll want to check out this wireless LED matrix cube built by tinkerer M4nglicious. Made for roughly $300, the mesmerizing device runs on a Raspberry Pi 4 4GB with an Ice Tower low profile surrounded by six 64x64 P3 LED panels. The cube displays a wide range of colors, patterns, movements, and even moving images and GIFs including the Internet’s favorite viral star, Nyan Cat.

The LED matrix features 3D-printable panel mounts, which hold the panels and the Raspberry Pi, cable clamps, and power distribution. A 2200mah 3S 30C LiPo battery with two YPG 20A SBEC step-down converters power the device. Currently, the cube’s code is based on a Raspberry Pi code made by fellow enthusiast hzeller.

LED cubes are pretty common, but the result is still impressive. With so many vibrant colors and intricate patterns, it’s hard not to be hypnotized by the moving displays.

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