This Secret Maze PCB Is a Hardware Game with Just Four LEDs for the Display

With triple-A video games getting closer and closer to photorealistic graphics, it’s hard to imagine a time when a few thousand monochrome…

about 6 years ago

With triple-A video games getting closer and closer to photorealistic graphics, it’s hard to imagine a time when a few thousand monochrome pixels was considered cutting-edge. However, despite their lack of fancy graphics, retro video game fans know that a lot of fantastic games were created with those limitations. Clearly, graphics do not a good game make.

To push that ideal to its limits, David Johnson-Davies of Technoblogy has created a game called Secret Maze that is played with a display consisting of just four LEDs. Secret Maze is built on a custom PCB that uses an ATtiny85 for logic, and a coin cell battery for power. Four buttons provide input, and a piezo buzzer is the sum of the sound output.

The game itself is a maze with walls on 1–3 sides at each point. The LEDs represent a wall blocking the path in that direction, and pushing a button allows you to move forward if there isn’t a wall in the way. The challenge of the game is building a map of the maze in your mind, so that you can backtrack and explore new paths if you get to a dead end. A sleep function is built-in, so the game will automatically power down if a button isn’t pushed for 30 seconds.

What’s really great about this project is that it proves that a fun and challenging game can be made with extremely limited hardware. As new games become increasingly more complex, developers can learn something from Johnson-Davies’ ability to create a game with so little. If you want to build your own Secret Maze PCB, he has provided the files on GitHub.


Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist.

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