This Goldfish Can Steer Its Own Tank

Sure, everyone’s talking about intelligent cars for humans but what about for fish? A team of students have created just that during the…

about 7 years ago Robotics

Sure, everyone’s talking about intelligent cars for humans but what about for fish? A team of students have created just that during the recent Build18 robotics competition held at Carnegie Mellon University.

It appears that the robotic tank is equipped with a Raspberry Pi, a camera, computer vision software, and a set of wheels. The direction and speed is “determined by the position of the fish relative to the middle.” What this means is that Goldie is no longer confined to only four glass walls; instead she can steer around by swimming.

This likely won’t be the end of the project either. One of the team’s members shared on Reddit:

Since the robot uses skid stirring we originally thought of having it turn about its axis. However, with the weight and other factors, the middle (left and right) instead results in no movement. We’re looking to redo this project however with higher grade materials provided by Intel.

You can see it in action below, and check out its GitHub page here.


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