This E-ink Display Shows Information Over Wi-Fi

This E-ink Display Shows Information Over Wi-Fi...

almost 8 years ago

E-ink displays are really amazing pieces of hardware, able to draw an image, then display it without using any more power. Likely because they’re not suited for animation or brightly-glowing images, they have mostly been relegated to e-readers, but David Fandos decided to take things further with his bedside information display.

“I’ve got it standing on my bed table. I’ll have to come up with more useful widgets I guess. Good news is that writing a new widget takes 10 minutes and around 50 lines of PHP code.”

To accomplish this task, he had to hack a 4.3 inch , that came with a little more hardware than he needed. After contacting the manufacturer, they were nice enough to provide him with some helpful information on the build, which turned out quite well. Since he’s using this type of display — e-Paper in this case — with an ESP8266 for communication, it can hopefully run on battery power for months.


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