There’s Finally a Smart Wand for Us Muggles

Harry Potter fans know that being born a Muggle can be tough. To make life as a Muggle a little bit easier, a group of NYC Makers built…

Harry Potter fans know that being born a Muggle can be tough. To make life as a Muggle a little bit easier, a group of NYC Makers built their own smart wand that connects to your devices over Wi-Fi.

The aptly named Muggle Wand features a voice recognition module that lets you cast spells with a flick of your wrist, such as ordering food, turning a lamp on/off, as well as playing and silencing your music.

The wand’s 3D-printed case houses all of the electronics, which include a Wi-Fi Arduino, a microphone, a LiPo battery, a PowerBoost, and a vibrating motor that indicates when a command is recognized.

You can read more about this whimsical wireless project here, and see it in action below!


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