The Ye Olde Future Temper-O-Meter Shows the Forecast

In order to tell the temperature in their Boulder, Colorado office, employees at Viget can of course look at their phones or the computer…

In order to tell the temperature in their Boulder, Colorado office, employees at Viget can of course look at their phones or the computer, but now there’s another option: an analog, Particle Photon-powered IoT weather display dubbed the “Ye Olde Future Temper-O-Meter.”

The giant mechanical installation, made out of wood and iron pipe, constantly reads the forecast from the Internet and then graphs it out a real world chart. This chart takes the form of a strip of programmable LEDs, which can moved up or down in segments to form a line graph. Changing colors further reinforce the fluctuating temperature.

Additionally, the device even features a selector to show the predicted weather for the next 15 hours at their other office locations via an iPad app if needed.

You can read more more about the project — which the Denver Post calls “a mash-up of massive temperature gauge and art installation with a few Harry Potter-esque touches” — on its page here.

[h/t Denver Post]


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