The “Perfect” Daft Punk Helmet

The title of the video seen here makes the bold implication that it is the “Perfect” Daft Punk Helmet. Like Sean Connery’s James Bond, it’s…

over 7 years ago Wearables

The title of the video seen here makes the bold implication that it is the “Perfect” Daft Punk Helmet. Like Sean Connery’s James Bond, it’s hard to improve on the original, but this GuyMan helmet is quite stunning.

Harder, better, faster, brighter. (📷 Love Props)

According to the project’s electronics writeup, the original helmet was built in the late 1990s using technology that was available at the time. This meant that this helmet required a huge amount of power to keep it running, and was used more for photo shoots than actual performances.

(📷 Love Props)

Using today’s technology, including 250 RGB LEDs and a Teensy 3.2 as the main processor, “Love Props” was able to make a helmet that appears to be quite wearable with a great finish and an amazing array of effects. You can see more photos of this beautiful build here.


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