The Peak Smart Lamp Instills Good Habits

Breaking bad habits is hard, but building good ones isn’t easy either. Peak — which is described by its creators as a “a lamp and a…

Breaking bad habits is hard, but building good ones isn’t easy either. Peak — which is described by its creators as a “a lamp and a conversation” — takes the physical form of a small glowing pillar, reminiscent of a crystal.

Currently live on Kickstarter, the device can be “programmed” via text message conversation on your phone to remind you to do things like work out, read, practice an instrument, spend quality time with loved ones, or learn skills you’d like to develop, to name just a few. The system will then send you text reminders to do a task that aligns with your goal.

When it’s done, you can touch or reply to Peak to signify that it’s complete. The pillar then emits a burst of light celebrate your accomplishment.

“Light is subtle, beautiful, and it plays well with our hardwired human biology. It also provides the benefit of working well with a physical object, and physical interactions are profoundly beneficial to habit adherence.”

Peak is the brainchild of Dan Makoski, founder of Google’s Project Ara, and David Khavari, a former associate at Andreessen Horowitz. What’s more, it appears that original prototypes had been developed using Qtechknow’s Qduino Mini and SparkFun boards — very cool!

“Upon further research, we found that text messaging is the optimal communication channel for adherence.”

If you’re looking for a subtle yet successful way to form better habits, head over to Peak’s crowdfunding page here.


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