The Mooltipass Mini Is a Portable Offline Password Keeper

You may remember or even currently use the Mooltipass, an open-source offline password keeper that was crowdfunded back in December 2014…

over 7 years ago Security

You may remember or even currently use the Mooltipass, an open-source offline password keeper that was crowdfunded back in December 2014. If you like the idea of storing all of your passwords in one offline “vault,” but you need something a little smaller, perhaps the Mooltipass Mini is for you. At just under 80mm long, it’s much more portable than the original, so you can take it with you as needed.

Because of its size, designers used a scroll wheel instead of a touchscreen for control. Also, the unit includes an accelerometer so you can simply tap on a table to allow it to send the required password to your computer. Currently the Mooltipass Mini works using a Chrome extension, and is being tested with Firefox.

You can use the Mooltipass Mini on any computer, tablet, smartphone, or other gadget that can support a USB keyboard. Then you can just unlock your Mini and select which credentials you’d like to send to the device — no drivers required, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, etc.

To use it, all you need to do is insert your personal smartcard, unlock it with your PIN, and start using your device. You’ll be able to log in anywhere with a quick tap on the desk or a few tweaks of the scroll wheel!

Want to keep your passwords safe on the go? Be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign today!


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