The Choitek Megamark Robot Does it All!

Many robots are tasked to do one, or several related operations, and do them well. The Choitex Megamark, however, from Carnegie Mellon…

Hackster Staff
8 years agoRobotics

Many robots are tasked to do one, or several related operations, and do them well. The Choitex Megamark, however, from Carnegie Mellon computer science student John Choi, can perform a variety of actions, though currently it doesn’t appear to do them very well at all.

As Choi shows in the robot’s Kickstarter video, the robot can water plants, or even act as a terrifying alarm clock. What it is meant to really excel at, however, is inspiring students’ interest in STEM fields due to its (small) human-sized body, and the fact that it can take on more complicated tasks than many smaller bots.

The Megamark boasts a rugged aluminum body and an Arduino Mega for a brain, which connects to a Maker-provided laptop that serves as its face. The humanoid is also equipped with large servo motors, adaptable grippers, a mobile base, a pair of 12V 8AH SLA batteries, as well as a set of mounting holes that enable users to attach additional sensors and electronics.

Perhaps the real inspiration aspect of this manipulator robot is that, though clumsy now, with the right programming and user interaction, it could be improved significantly. If nothing else, it appears to do a very good job of dispensing snacks at parties!

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