The Benefits of Open Source in Robotics with Tully Foote

Tully Foote from the Open Source Robotics Foundation talks about ROS and latest developments in the field of open source robotic software.

over 4 years ago Robotics

Tully Foote is ROS Platform Manager at the Open Source Robotics Foundation. Tully Foote is a computer programmer and ROS Platform Manager at the Open Source Robotics Foundation (ROS) which is widely used in the development of robots. A mechanical engineer by training, Foote is also the co-creator of the TurtleBot an open source personal robot kit.

Per Sjöborg interviews Tully Foote from the Open Source Robotics Foundation. Tully explains the benefits of open source and how it helps make research and development more efficient. Both researchers and start-ups can focus on their added part, rather than starting from scratch. This is an advantage for the whole robotics community, enabling it to move forward much faster.

Tully also describes how developers can contribute directly to further developing the ROS standard, for the benefit of the robotics community.

You can find the audio version here.

The Wevolver Robots in Depth podcast is hosted by Per Sjöborg, Founder of Aptomica. This article first appeared on You can find all Robots in Depth podcast episodes on your favorite podcast app such as Apple and Spotify. New episodes are released weekly.

If you want more Robots in Depth interviews, then for example check out Per Sjöborg's interview with professor Peter Corke on robotics and machine vision


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