The Aerographer Maps the Air to Raise Fragile Grounds

In our age of digital maps and known borders, it’s interesting to note that everything on Earth shifts, if ever so slowly. Though we don’t…

over 7 years ago Art

In our age of digital maps and known borders, it’s interesting to note that everything on Earth shifts, if ever so slowly. Though we don’t necessarily think about it, this is evident in the way wind interacts with buildings and land masses. The Aerographer, which uses a propeller to generate wind and several base stations to visually depict air flow in the room via moving platforms, depicts this fluid nature of our environment.

Creator Luiz Zanotello made his device — or series of devices — using a variety of 3D-printed and laser-cut parts. Control of each is accomplished via an ATmega328 running in an Arduino environment. It measures air flow via an anemometer.

Intrigued? Check out the project in its entirety here.


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