TB6612FNG Motor Driver: Better Than the L298N?

DroneBot Workshop compares the TB6612FNG motor driver to the L298N, building a small robot car in the process.

Jeremy Cook
5 years agoRobotics

If you’ve ever controlled a DC motor with an Arduino or other microcontroller board, you may have experience with H-bridge modules, such as those based on the well-known L298N. These modules are fairly inexpensive and proven out on a wide variety of projects, but they are certainly not the only driver choice available. In the video below, and in its companion post, DroneBot Workshop goes over another alternative: the TB6612FNG.

The video goes over quite a bit of background on the TB device, including the important point that both modules use similar signal configurations, so swapping between the two is quite easy. As for why you might want to do that, the key points are laid out at around 9:30. The TB6612FNG is smaller than the L298N, and doesn’t require a heat sink. It also features a much higher efficiency at over 90% versus 40-70% for the L298N, and a low-current standby mode that the L’ lacks. On the other hand, the L298N can be used with larger motors, and at a much higher voltage and continuous current rating. Both certainly have their place, but depending on your project, you may want to give this component a look.

To help illustrate the TB612FNG’s abilities, DroneBot creates what is described as “probably the ugliest robot car that I’ve ever seen.” This bot uses an Arduino and a TB motor controller to move two wheels in a differential control setup, moving fast and slow, and turning on the floor.

Jeremy Cook
Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!
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