Synth Bike 3.0 Goes Nowhere Fast

The Synth Bike, by audio hacker/YouTuber Sam Battle (aka LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER), enabled him to cruise the town on two wheels, producing…

almost 7 years ago Music / Bikes

The Synth Bike, by audio hacker/YouTuber Sam Battle (aka LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER), enabled him to cruise the town on two wheels, producing music to the coordinated with his speed. On the other hand, not just anyone could properly operate the bike, which according the 3.0 version’s video “was very cryptic, it had more functions, but was hard to understand!”

Unlike the Synth Bike 2.0, this version remains static. (📷: Sam Battle / New Atlas)

Synth Bike 3.0, however, trades in mobility and some functionality in order to let it be ridden by anyone. Attached to a trainer, this iteration has a set of built-in speakers and a plethora of knobs and switches on the handlbars, allowing it to generate music coordinated with the rear wheel’s speed via a whopping 12 Arduino Nanos and a SparkFun WAV trigger. Magnets at the back are used to activate the synthesizer and help set the tempo.

3.0 now resides at the Science Gallery in Dublin, where you can try it out until September! You can read more about Battle’s impressive project here, and see it in action below.

[h/t: New Atlas]


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