SparkFun's Latest Qwiic Shields Bring Four Qwiic Ports to Thing Plus, Feather, and Arduino Nano MCUs

Designed for quick and easy solderless prototyping over the I2C bus, these shields bring four Qwiic connectors to each MCU board.

almost 4 years ago HW101
The Thing Plus Shield adds Qwiic ports to compatible microcontroller boards. (📷: SparkFun)

SparkFun has announced a pair of low-cost add-on boards designed to bring two new development board families into its Qwiic solder-free interconnection ecosystem: the Thing Plus, and other Feather-format boards, and the Arduino Nano.

Designed to allow for rapid prototyping without breadboards or soldering, SparkFun's Qwiic is a quick-connect ecosystem for bringing together microcontroller boards and single-board computers and peripheral devices over the I2C bus. For boards that don't have their own Qwiic connectors, SparkFun offers adapters — including its two latest designs.

"The SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino Nano provides you with a quick and easy way to enter into SparkFun's Qwiic ecosystem with your Arduino Nano board," the company writes of its Arduino Nano-compatible add-on. "The Qwiic shield connects the I2C bus (GND, 3.3V, SDA and SCL) on your Arduino Nano to four SparkFun Qwiic connectors (two horizontally and two vertically mounted)."

A variant for the Arduino Nano and pin-compatible boards is also available. (📷: SparkFun)

The SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Thing Plus, meanwhile, offers the same number of Qwiic connectors for Thing Plus and other Feather-format microcontroller boards. Both come with pass-through headers, but separate to the shields themselves — meaning that buyers will have to solder them into place before being able to take advantage of the solderless Qwiic connectors.

Both the Qwiic Shield for Thing Plus and Qwiic Shield for Arduino Nano are now available, priced at $3.95 each before volume discounts.


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