‘Smarten’ Your Window AC Unit With ESP8266 and Alexa

Hacker Aleks Azen noticed that he was paying five times as much for his power bill during the summer months as when it was cooler, and…

almost 7 years ago

Hacker Aleks Azen noticed that he was paying five times as much for his power bill during the summer months as when it was cooler, and decided to do something about it. His solution comes in the form of a sort of DIY smart thermostat, using a temperature sensor and an ESP8266 module to sense the air temperature, which then controls the AC directly via a Sonoff POW switch.

Cleverly, he set up the temperature sensing unit next to his bed, measuring where he actually will be at night. Since the system already was linked to a server in order to determine the appropriate AC state, he configured it to also respond to Alexa commands, referring to it in the video seen here as “wind.”

Code for the project can be found here on GitHub.

[h/t Reddit]


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