SharksAndLazers' Copper Wire Laser Pointers Look Like Multi-Color Steampunk Lightsabers

Built by brazing a framework from copper wire, these multi-color laser pointers are undeniably eye-catching.

over 2 years ago Lights

Suitably pseudonymous Reddit user "SharksAndLazers" has shown off a family of laser points as a difference: The framework is built from copper wire, creating unique functional electronic sculptures.

"I build my own laser pointers out of copper wire," SharksAndLazers explains, after sharing an image of a series of homebrew hand-held lasers — each one of which emits a different color. "I used the wire for the frame, instead of a solid body."

The laser pointers SharksAndLazers creates aren't true freeform electronics: The brazed copper rod is used wholly as a frame, into which the battery and more traditional flat printed circuit boards are installed to drive the laser diode. A simple switch on the top fires the laser up when pressed — and for the family shot, is cleverly forced permanently-on using a simple elastic band.

These homebrew laser pointers use brazed copper wire for their frameworks. (📷: SharksAndLazers)

SharksAndLazers is far from the only maker to turn to copper wire as a construction material, with many using it both as a framework and to form the circuit itself — as with Jiří Praus' freeform ATtiny85-powered LED heart, or devices like this desktop VU meter from Mohit Bhoite.

SharksAndLazers has indicated a desire to post a tutorial walking through the build process, but at present the only additional information available can be found on Reddit.


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