September in Space!

This month is likely the last that “my” satellite, Planet Labs’ Dove 2B-7, will spend in Earth’s atmosphere. Let’s celebrate humanity’s…

over 7 years ago

This month is likely the last that “my” satellite, Planet Labs’ Dove 2B-7, will spend in Earth’s atmosphere. Let’s celebrate humanity’s presence in space, our relationship with the voluminous and possible black.

Image courtesy of Planet Labs

Mediated by technology, we can finally probe that obscurity, and look back through prosthetic eyes at our own beautiful planet. We have an unprecedented ability to spread the overview effect through tech that sits on our desks, transports our vision, whispers in our ears.

I’m looking to release a series of interviews with those who pierce the atmosphere—either in person, or through their machine-children. We’ll also build a project or two, demonstrating how to employ consumer tech to soak your brain in space.

How can WE get involved with space technology?

☆ The ISS Design Challenge invites you to submit a model to be 3D-printed on the International Space Station, by the group Made in Space. This ends in early October.

☆ Create a spiritual successor to the PongSat project, which brought students’ projects into the far reaches of our atmosphere.

☆ Apply to be an Artist in Residence at Planet Labs, a private company sending flocks of “dove” cube-sats around the world, to eventually image it once per day—tracking de-/reforestation and vast human movements.

☆ SETI also has an AiR program! Lead the search for extra-terrestrial artworks…

☆ Subscribe to SpaceVR to get an immersive, spherical view from a satellite and experience the majesty for yourself.

☆ See whether your local hackerspace has a citizen-science group dedicated to space technology. If not, start one?

☆ Are you a software person? Enthusiasts have written modules, libraries, and other utilities for interacting with TLEs—the “two-line element” info-chunks that help track and predict satellites’ motion.

Use Alexa or the Philips Hue with IFTTT to track the ISS as it whirls above us. Bring the intangibility of distance down home to earth. :-)

☆ The same date that SatView currently thinks my Dove will burn up, there is an extraordinary expo covering ordinary humans, technology, and space in San Francisco! Come to Dent:Space.

☆ A few days later, the International Space Orchestra performs with Sigur Rós at the Hollywood Bowl! They’re giving away custom mission patches.

☆ Continue your adventures with, an online directory of ways to participate in space exploration.

Finally, join me on Hackster’s interview channel for some incredible interviews and insights in the coming weeks! ☆


The Hackster team's resident Hardware Nerd. I love robots, music, EEG, wearables, and languages. FIRST Robotics kid.

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