RPi Spark pHAT Lets You Build Fun Projects with Raspberry Pi GPIOs

Features include an OLED display, sensors, a five-way joystick, and two buttons.

We all love to explore the capabilities of any Raspberry Pi through its GPIO pins. With this in mind, MobiNRG has designed the RPi Spark pHAT that sits atop a Pi Zero and enables users to build exciting applications such as a gaming device, music player, alarm clock, motion detector, and home controller, among many others.

One interesting fact about this pHAT is its options to develop applications, including drivers and the SDK framework provided by MobiNRG. MobiNRG also offers a command-line interface for programming with Bash Script, Node.js, Java, PHP, C/C++, Basic, Pascal, and so on.

The hardware is equipped with an onboard 128x64 monochrome OLED and several sensors, e.g. an accelerometer, gyroscope, and thermometer.

Games can be played via a five-way joystick that can be fitted in a minimal area, along with a pair of push buttons. To enhance the experience, there's a 3.5 mm stereo headphone jack and 1 W speaker as well.

More details on how to install drivers and SDK can be found on its documentation page. One of the most important factors to get this board is the detailed guide for beginners — MobiNRG has shared examples of each onboard sensor and how to combine them for a single use-case. The RPi Spark pHAT can be purchased on Tindie for $24.95.


Abhishek Jadhav is an engineering student, freelance tech writer, RISC-V Ambassador, and leader of the Open Hardware Developer Community.

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