Robotics Masters Set to Launch Robo HAT MM1 Control Board

Robotics Masters are gearing up to crowdfund their MM1 HAT robotics control board for the Raspberry Pi on Crowd Supply. The company states…

about 5 years ago

The Robotics Masters team is gearing up to crowdfund their Robo MM1 HAT robotics control board for the Raspberry Pi, which is designed to lower the entry barrier for those looking to get into robotics by “providing all the necessary hardware in one easy form factor.”

The Robo HAT MM1 is based on a SAM D21G processor and enough connectivity options to build nearly any robot imaginable. (📷: Robotics Masters)

The Robo HAT MM1 sports the standard HAT dimensions (65mm x 56.5mm) and can be used with any Raspberry Pi — Model B+, 2B/2B+, 3B/3B+, A+/3A+, and Zero/W. The board packs a Microchip SAM D21G processor (256K internal Flash, 2Mb SPI external Flash) at its core, along with an MPU-9250 9DoF IMU, INA219 current sensor, and enough space for additional sensors in the future (pressure sensor, dual IMU, etc.).

The Robo HAT MM1 also features a myriad of connection options — 24 programmable I/Os with nine general I/O, eight 16-bit servo outputs (programmable up to 24-bit), six direct to Raspberry Pi connectors (SW programming, control, serial console), four 16-bit RC controller input, and a NeoPixel output. It is equipped with JST DroneCode compliant connectors (GPS, UART, SPI, I2C) as well.

The HAT can be programmed using CircuitPython, SeeSaw, Arduino IDE, and Scratch. (📷: Robotics Masters)

Power options includes an onboard 5V regulator, a LiPo battery charger, a battery pass-through, and an independent servo power rail. On the software side, the Robo HAT MM1 can take advantage of CircuitPython, SeeSaw, the Arduino IDE, and Scratch.

Robotics Masters’ campaign has yet to go live, however those interested can sign up for notifications on the company’s Crowd Supply page.

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