Relive Your Favorite 8-Bit Sounds on This Raspberry Pi AY-3–8910 Chiptune Player

If you’re of a certain age, you likely grew up playing video games with sound that, while limited in a way that perhaps you couldn’t put…

almost 7 years ago

If you’re of a certain age, you likely grew up playing video games with sound that, while limited in a way that perhaps you couldn’t put your finger on, could be especially catchy. The devices that produced many of these sounds are called AY-3–8910/1/2 sound chips. Hacker “deater” decided to create his own AY-3 system, fusing new and old, with two of these sound chips, along with a Raspberry Pi 2 and other hardware.

Aside from pure audio output, the device has an impressive array of LEDs, and eight input buttons, allowing it to play video games, act as an alarm clock, display the temperature, and several other assorted functions.

Though not for sale, a build log is available here, as well as the code used if you’d like to try building your own.


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