RC Car + MacBook Pro = The Carputer!

If you’d like to build a miniature self-driving car, perhaps you would first turn to an Arduino for control or even a Raspberry Pi for more…

almost 7 years ago

If you’d like to build a miniature self-driving car, perhaps you would first turn to an Arduino for control or even a Raspberry Pi for more advanced processing. Otavio Good is no exception, but after attaching a few Arduinos to an RC car, he moved on to driving it with a speedometer and camera via a TensorFlow neural network running on a Macbook Pro — yes, it has an actual notebook computer embedded in the 1/10th-scale model car.

Appropriately, this modded vehicle wasdubbed the “Carputer,” and you can see more information on the project’s GitHub page.

If giving your expensive notebook computer the power to sip across a racetrack autonomously represents too much of an equipment hazard for your budget, he proposes you start out with a Raspberry Pi-based solution called the Donkey Car. You can see both on display in the video seen here.

[h/t Hackaday]


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