Raspberry Pi GPIO Output and Much More with EveLab 1.0

Raspberry Pis are, I’m sure you’ll agree, wonderful devices, allowing you to operate them as an actual desktop computer for around $35…

about 6 years ago

Raspberry Pis are, I’m sure you’ll agree, wonderful devices, allowing you to operate them as an actual desktop computer for around $35. They even include GPIO pins for interaction with the real world. Of course, $35 covers the Pi and the Pi only, and depending on your application you’ll need to supply a power supply, an HDMI cable, and some way to actually connect to the 40-pin header.

While there are 40-pin adapters that enable you to plug IO into a breadboard, “Robot in A Can” has designed something much more full-featured. This breadboard system — available on Tindie for $49.99—has a high-quality connector for the Pi header, which breaks each pin out onto a long breadboard, with each output clearly labeled. Below this is a standard breadboard, and to either side of that you’ll find potentiometers, switches, LEDs, and even an RGB LED that are all pre-grounded for easy setup. There’s also an analog to digital converter, a light sensor, and temperature sensor for your experimental needs.

While you likely wouldn’t want to use this as part of an actual product, it looks perfect for an educational environment or for learning new skills. It should come as no surprise then that it was originally developed as a circuit trainer for the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada.

[h/t: CNXSoft]


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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