Quickly Convert Bitmaps Into PCB Artwork

A step-by-step guide that turns any color image into a silkscreen masterpiece.

about 4 years ago Photos & Video

Everybody likes PCB artwork. But we are not all artistically inclined enough to create it from scratch. With this tutorial from Brian Oakes, even you can create a circuit board worth framing! He found a method to convert (practically) any image into a bitmap suitable for silkscreen.

The guide covers the steps needed when using EAGLE and Photoshop. However, those steps use basic functions and are generic enough to apply to similar programs. The only requirements are a photo editor that export bitmaps and an eCAD tool that can import them. For example, we were able to duplicate the process using GIMP and KiCad.

With each step, he provides considerations and suggestions to help process your images. Just know ahead of time, some iteration is necessary to achieve the best results.

As Oakes says, "I highly recommend you save multiple files along the way in case you need to go back and tweak something (if you open a file that is in grayscale mode, you won't be able to go back to being full-color, and a file in bitmap mode won't be able to go back to grayscale mode)."

After reducing the bitmap, it is ready to import into your ECAD tool. Oakes' instructions take you step-by-step in EAGLE. For KiCad users, the "Bitmap to Component" tool works great here. It creates a footprint that can be added to a library and then imported into a PCB design.

You can find the full tutorial here. (Psst! Do not forget to share the PCB masterpieces you create as a Hackster.io project!)


Electronics enthusiast, Bald Engineer, and freelance content creator. AddOhms on YouTube. KN6FGY.

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