Quantum Integration's Q-Server and Q-Client Builder Bases Aim to Make Code-Free IoT Dev a Reality

Designed, the company claims, for beginners yet powerful enough for professionals, the Quantum Platform promises code-free IoT development.

over 3 years ago Internet of Things

Santa Barbara-based Quantum Integration has turned to crowdfunding for production of what it claims is a complete Internet of Things (IoT) platform for the hobbyist — offering the ability to build customized applications and firmware without coding.

"Today’s hobby electronics are inexpensive, but have high barriers of entry. Platforms like Arduino require programming skills and often have limited networking capabilities," claims Quantum Integrations' Michael Barnick. "Are you tired of unsupported shareware libraries, limited apps, flaky hardware connections, complicated configurations, restricted expandability, and impractical or even non-existing IoT applications? All of that is about to be a thing of the past."

"Building complex IoT projects can be quite frustrating. That's why we designed our wireless hardware from the ground up, with a state-of-the-art user interface that enables you to easily create a network of connected electronic devices. If you’re an electronics enthusiast or maker with a love for wireless devices, the Quantum IoT Platform is for you."

The platform is split into two: A centra server, dubbed the Q-Server, acts as a central core with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity to external devices built around the Q-Client Builder Base. This latter device is an enclosed microcontroller with screw terminals for wiring to external components — a selection of which are bundled in the Starter Bundle Pro.

The Quantum IoT Platform is claimed to be accessible to beginners but powerful enough for pros. (📷: Quantum Integration)

Programming the devices takes place via the Q-Server and a browser-based interface, which lets the user configure the firmware running on each Q-Client as well as to build custom applications using a Node-RED-inspired drag-and-drop interface.

"We invented the Quantum Q-Server three years ago as a way for any person to integrate smart devices into their home without having any technical background. But we soon realized that our product is capable of so much more," claims Barnick. "We found that it has the potential to allow anyone, even without any coding or technical knowledge, to build any electronics project that comes to mind. Truly and freely moving from breadboard to real world!"

Example projects include robots, messaging systems, security, and integration with third-party platforms like Philips Hue and Twilio. (📷: Quantum Integration)

More information is available on the project's Kickstarter campaign page, where early bird rewards start at $149 for a Q-Server and two Q-Client Builder Bases.


Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire: freelance@halfacree.co.uk.

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