Propellers to the Fists! Wrist Thrusters for Auto Skin Diving

If you’re an experienced snorkler, you probably wear fins for propulsion, and a snorkel to help you breathe. If, however, you simply like…

over 7 years ago

If you’re an experienced snorkler, you probably wear fins for propulsion, and a snorkel to help you breathe. If, however, you simply like to make fun and useful gadgets, and would rather not bother with “manually” swimming, then this set of arm propellers should be interesting.

In preparation for a trip to Hawaii, YouTuber “PeterSripol” decided to make his own set of wrist thrusters. These devices — which are controlled by what appears to be an Arduino Nano and other components inside a belt-mounted enclosure — can pull him along at what he describes as a “pretty good pace.”

After all, why would he want to bother with mundane tasks like “kicking” while on vacation? Unfortunately, his fun was eventually cut short by a cut wire, so perhaps he had to buy fins after all…


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