pi-top [4] Is More Than Just Another Raspberry Pi Case

The first thing most people do after getting a Raspberry Pi is 3D-print or purchase a case. A Raspberry Pi is hardly a delicate device…

Cameron Coward
6 years ago

The first thing most people do after getting a Raspberry Pi is 3D print or purchase a case. A Raspberry Pi is hardly a delicate device, but it’s still a good idea to protect the components and prevent any shorts that could result from it contacting other items. But, aside from a cooling fan if you’re lucky, that protection is all that most cases provide. The new pi-top [4] is different, and it actively helps you work with your projects.

As you probably guessed from the name, the pi-top [4] is the fourth product in the pi-top lineup of educational tools. The pi-top [3], for example, is a modular Raspberry Pi laptop. But, the pi-top [4] is going in a different direction. Instead of integrating a big screen and keyboard, this is a small enclosure that has connectivity designed to make it the brain of a modular ecosystem. The pi-top [4] itself has just a few buttons, a small OLED display, and connection ports. It’s those connections that make the pi-top [4] interesting.

Let’s say you want to build a Raspberry Pi robot; normally, you’d build the robot and find a way to integrate the Pi into its body. With pi-top [4], you can just snap the case onto a modular connector on top of the robot. With the custom pi-topOS, you can easily program the functionality of the robot by temporarily connecting a separate computer. pi-top [4] is intended to seamlessly move from the coding and development stage of a project, to being the brain of that project.

The pi-top team even plans to sell plug-and-play accessories to help you with those projects. For instance, there will be a drone module that you can use by simply snapping the pi-top [4] onto the frame. The pi-top [4] isn’t for sale yet, but it should be soon, so be sure to register your interest at the bottom of the product page.

Cameron Coward
Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism
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