Paper Signals Are DIY Physical Indicators That Utilize Machine Learning

Displays for hobby electronics have become remarkably affordable and easy to use in recent years. A small OLED screen, for example, can…

over 6 years ago

Displays for hobby electronics have become remarkably affordable and easy to use in recent years. A small OLED screen, for example, can cost as little as a few dollars. Because of that, digital displays tend to be the go-to solution for makers needing to convey information in their projects.

The Paper Signals project from Google, however, is proving that maybe we rely too heavily on those screens. Paper Signals are origami-like DIY indicators that you can build at home. They combine Actions on Google and Dialogflow to intelligently display information on specially-designed paper widgets.

The Adafruit Paper Signals Bundle. (📷: Adafruit)

Each Paper Signal uses a servo for movement, which is connected to your Google Assistant through something like a Feather Huzzah. Adafruit has even partnered with the project to provide a kit with all of the electronic components you’ll need. Each Signal is setup with the necessary servo range, such as to open an umbrella, and the three Google services work together to control it at all.

The Paper Signals website has a number of designs ready to go, like a Bitcoin tracker, countdown timer, and rain indicator. But, the real fun here is coming up with your own designs. There are detailed instructions on how to modify the code on the project’s page. We’re definitely looking forward to seeing what creative contraptions everyone comes up with.


Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist.

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