N-O-D-E Returns with a Gift: Make it Yourself, an eBook Gathering 1,000 Projects From Around the Web
A catalog of open projects filled with custom line-art illustrations, Make it Yourself is a jumping-off point for inspiration.
Pseudonymous maker N-O-D-E, hereafter simply "NODE," has returned to the field after a prolonged absence — filled, it transpires, with the development of a digital publication highlighting 1,000 projects you can build yourself dubbed Make it Yourself: 1000 Useful Things to Make.
"It's basically a showcase of some of the best open hardware and DIY projects from across the Internet," NODE explains. "Think of it like those old mail order catalogs that contained everything the average person might use in every day life. The difference here is that instead of products to buy, every item listed represents a DIY project that you can make yourself."
NODE is no stranger to designing and building useful things, but the book isn't simply a portfolio: it reaches out and gathers up a broad array of projects in field ranging from electronics, 3D printing, and CNC milling to woodworking, sewing, metalworking, leatherworking, and even papercraft — with the best projects often combining multiple fields in one.
"A good example of the variation inside is in the Hiking and Camping section," NODE explains, "where you'll not only see sewing projects for how to make rucksacks, tents, sleeping bags, camping pillows etc, but there are also 3D printing projects for things like tent stakes, rope tensioners, and miscellaneous tools. There are also simple electronic flashlight projects, and easy to make metal camping stoves."
Provided as a free-to-download PDF, Make it Yourself includes links to each of the projects: click on one of NODE's minimalist lineart illustrations for a given project and you'll be instantly transported to the homepage to find out more and, hopefully, make something of your own.
Make it Yourself is available to download now, free of charge, from the official website.