Mycroft Announces a Kickstarter Campaign for the Mark II AI Assistant

Mycroft AI is a home voice assistant similar Google Home and Amazon Alexa. But, unlike those, Mycroft is completely open source. You can…

Cameron Coward
7 years agoInternet of Things

Mycroft AI is a home voice assistant similar Google Home and Amazon Alexa. But, unlike those, Mycroft is completely open source. You can purchase a ready-to-use device, or just install the software on something like a Raspberry Pi.

That device, the Mycroft Mark I, has been on the market for a while now, and the Mycroft team is now taking everything they’ve learned to develop the Mark II. Like its predecessor, the Mark II is an adorable unit that packs a lot more personality than it’s competitors. But, the real selling point is in the open source ethos and privacy policies.

Unlike similar gadgets from other companies, Mycroft won’t store your voice recordings. It also won’t use data about you and your lifestyle to serve you targeted ads. And, because the code is all open source, you don’t have to take their word for it—you can verify it yourself.

The Mark II adds a large display, better microphones, and more robust speakers. It’s still completely hackable, but is more consumer-oriented than the Mark I. Interested? The Kickstarter campaign is now live, and you can get the early bird special for $89.

Cameron Coward
Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism
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