Mohit Bhoite's KT-15 Circuit Sculpture Is Ready for a Kitchen Landing with Its 4-Bit Timer

This latest piece is powered by an ATtiny84.

about 2 years ago Art

Inspired by a certain moon lander, Mohit Bhoite has shared another gorgeous yet functional circuit sculpture on Twitter. The KT-15 Lander is also a 4-bit kitchen timer — with a buzzer!

KT-15 has an ATtiny84 microcontroller running its countdown. A pushbutton programs the timer. The counting display consists of four 3mm LEDs. An 0805 red LED flashes, and a 2n3904 powered piezo buzzer beeps when the time is up. A single CR2032 coin cell battery powers the entire sculpture.

Short KT-15 Demo (📷: Mohit Bhoite)

For a full demo with adorable beeping, check out this one-minute demo video (with sound).

As the name suggests, the Lunar Landers from the Apollo missions inspired the KT-15's chassis design. But, like the machines of early spaceflight, we often overlook the techniques behind the final product. For this circuit, Bhoite reveals a behind-the-scene hint on its build.

Work in progress (📷: Mohit Bhoite)

While the final sculpture is unquestionably refined and beautiful, the build process is somewhat rudimentary. Even though these sculptures do not contain one, the initial stages resemble a PCB project. Before bending and soldering the 20awg copper wires, Bhoite's circuit sculptures start as a design in an eCAD tool. And then, when it comes time to build, a protoboard provides some structure and template for the final piece!

Check out Bhoitie's Instagram and web gallery for more gorgeous circuit sculptures.


Electronics enthusiast, Bald Engineer, and freelance content creator. AddOhms on YouTube. KN6FGY.

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