Minijam Studio Is a Set of Pocket-Sized Electronic Instruments
If you want to make electronic music, the tools to do so are just a quick search of your preferred app store for an appropriate sound…
If you want to make electronic music, the tools to do so are just a quick search of your preferred app store for an appropriate sound program. Then again, as amazing and versatile as touchscreens are, it’s hard to match the feeling and control capabilities of an actual physical device.
If you’d like to take your electronic jamming to the next level, the creators of Patchblocks have just the thing. Introducing Minijam Studio, a set of standalone hardware modules now available on Kickstarter.
Three of the gadgets in the “tek" series — a drum machine, wavetable synth and audio mixer — are based on an ARM Cortex-M4 processor, while the fourth unit, an audio filter, is entirely analog. There’s also a portable speaker. All of these are powered by a rechargeable battery, and come in a beautiful black enclosure.
What’s more, you don’t need to pair it with a smartphone or run any software. The mixer will keep all the connected instruments in sync, and even allows it to integrate with other synths including Korg’s Volcas and Teenage Engineering’s Pocket Operators.
Want a pocket-sized studio for your next impromptu jam session? Head over to Patchblocks founder Sebastian Heinz’s Kickstarter page!