Microchip Integrates Leading Machine Learning Software Offerings Into MPLAB X IDE

Partnership facilitates the use of Edge Impulse, Cartesiam and Motion Gestures software with two new SAM D21-based evaluation kits.

The rate of progress of machine learning at the edge technology since its relatively recent nascence has been astonishing, and as more and more developers want in on the fun, companies are looking for new ways to lower the barrier to entry. Edge Impulse helps developers by providing a full web-based tinyML pipeline, while Cartesiam enables the easy creation of static libraries that learn and infer right on Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers. Motion Gestures facilitates the recognition of a wide range of gestures on embedded devices. And Microchip has partnered with each of these industry leaders to bring the power of these machine learning tools into their proprietary MPLAB-X IDE.

To help users get started with data gathering, training models, and inference implementation, Microchip has also launched a pair of kits that supports each of the three software platforms: the EV18H79A SAM D21 ML Evaluation Kit with TDK InvenSense 6-axis MEMS and EV45Y33A SAM D21 ML Evaluation Kit with Bosch IMU.

Additionally, the ATSAMC21-XPRO SAM C21 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit along with its QT8 xPlained Pro Extension Kit (AC164161) can be used for evaluating Motion Gestures solutions, while the VectorBlox Accelerator SDK allows developers to create low-power, small form factor applications on PolarFire FPGAs.

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