MeshHub Combines Mood Lighting, Infrared, and Dual-Frequency Radio Control for Your Smart Home

With infrared and 315/433MHz compatibility, the MeshHub aims to be the missing link in your smart home setup.

An Internet of Things (IoT) startup has hit the crowdfunding circuit for a smart all-in-one gateway designed to take control of both infrared and radio-controlled home appliances: the MeshHub.

"Ever sighed looking at a pile of remote controls in your home? Most appliances you bought came with a remote. There's one for TV, another one for A/C, another one for the stereo, and so on," writes MeshHub's Shufan He. "The principle of how remotes control devices is simple: They use either infrared or radio waves. Every extra one you carry home is a redundancy. Now we are compacting all of them into one. With our Hub, you could keep all the previous ones in your remote museum and enjoy the extra space brought by storing them away."

The MeshHub is the latest gadget looking to free your smart home from the tyranny of remote controls. (📹: MeshHub)

The MeshHub, then, is designed to assist. Connecting to a home's Wi-Fi network, the puck-shaped MeshHub IRF includes integrated 315MHz and 433MHz radios plus an omnidirectional infrared transmitter. Programmed via app — with a learning mode for any remotes that aren't already in its database, capable of capturing infrared and amplitude shift keying (ASK) radio signals — it allows for quick and easy control of multiple devices — and multiple units can cooperate to extend the control to additional rooms of the house.

The MeshHub also includes a selection of smart features, including built-in RGB lighting, scene modes, scheduling, and integration with third-party voice control platforms. Oddly, given He's apparent hatred of the things, there's even an option to add a physical remote with a single button — programmable for click, double-click, and long-press activation.

The MeshHub supports a broad range of devices — over a million, its creators claim — with a learning mode for more. (📷: MeshHub)

"Although MeshHub is a new face to Kickstarter, our team members have worked in the industry for a long time," claims He. "An excellent crowdfunding campaign cannot go without great designs and a well-managed production plan. With the production team members who previously successfully delivered multiple crowdfunding campaigns, we are confident to deliver the best quality products and our experienced engineers."

The MeshHub is now funding on Kickstarter, with early bird rewards priced at $49 for a single MeshHub IRF or $65 with the optional remote. Shipping is expected to take place in May 2022.


Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire:

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