Meet Drinkro, the IoT Bartender

If you’re tired of having to be at home to tell your robotic bartender to pour you a drink, why not turn to the Internet of Things to help…

If you’re tired of having to be at home to tell your robotic bartender to pour you a drink, why not turn to the Internet of Things to help? This “Drinkro” setup is able to mix up to four ingredients using four perisaltic pumps, a Raspberry Pi, and a custom printed circuit board.

Welcome to the Internet of Drinks (IoD). Powered by Synchro

The Pi is driven remotely via a smartphone running , which is a system for controlling connected devices with a minimum of coding.

If you’d like to build your own, the code is available here, and the custom circuit board design . Remember, don’t text–your custom drink order–and drive!


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