MEDUSA Shape-Shifting Drone Can Fly and Land on Water

Researchers from Imperial College London have developed the drone to fly to locations to monitor aquatic environments quickly.

about 2 years ago Robotics
Meet MEDUSA. (📷: Imperial College London)

Researchers from Imperial College London have developed a shape-shifting drone that can fly through the air and land on water to monitor the environment. Known as a Multi-Environment Dual robot for Underwater Sample Acquisition (MEDUSA), the drone can also extend its tentacles to collect water samples to test its quality. MEDUSA is a multirotor drone that scientists can fly to hard-to-reach areas not accessible by boats and other vehicles or places that are hazardous to humans.

The drone is outfitted with buoys attached to its landing gear, which allow it to stay afloat above the water surface. Once landed on the water, MEDUSA deploys a tethered mobile underwater pod, which packs a camera and sensors and can dive to depths of up to 10 meters. The operator can remotely adjust the pod’s depth and position in the water, guided by real-time video and sensor feedback from the pod. After the water samples are taken, the drone reels in the cable and retracts the pod before lifting off and flying back to the pilot.

The team tested the shape-shifting drone at Switzerland’s Lake Zurich, where it successfully examined the water for signs of microorganisms and algae blooms that can threaten human health.

“We have much to learn from the Earth’s water: by monitoring ecological parameters, we can identify trends and understand the factors affecting water quality and the health of the ecosystem in a changing climate,” explains professor Mirko Kovac of IPL’s Department of Aeronautics. “MEDUSA’s unique ability to reach difficult places and collect aquatic images, samples and metrics will be invaluable for ecology and aquatic research and could support our understanding of local climate in difficult-to-access environments like the Arctic.”

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