Make an Excellent Logo Light Box

Frederick Vandenbosch says that he has ‘always wanted a backlit logo to hang on the wall of his home office, and more recently, his shed.’…

about 7 years ago

Frederick Vandenbosch says that he has ‘always wanted a backlit logo to hang on the wall of his home office, and more recently, his shed.’ To this end, he went to work building a device that looks really great, and can use the lights inside to indicate notifications via a Raspberry Pi Zero W.

“I’ve always wanted a backlit logo to hang on the wall in my home office, and more recently, my shed.” (📷 Frederick Vandenbosch)

The actual logo was cut out of vinyl by Vandenbosch’s wife, and after turning it into the equivalent of a giant sticker, was applied to a piece of white acrylic. From there, he made a frame out of a 3cm x 3cm wooden beam, which was glued together, then sanded and painted with several coats of paint. This step is one of the things that sets this project apart from others that don’t look quite as good, since many of us, myself included, rarely have the patience to let something like this dry over and over.

Once that was done, he attached the Pi, a Pimoroni Mote pHAT, as well as two “Mote Sticks,” a type of RGB LED strip, allowing it to illuminate the device accordingly. He plans to build a similar frame for his wife, which only seems appropriate, given her contribution to the project. He should be able to flash this second Pi with the same software as his (found here on GitHub), updating it to monitor her social media accounts!

[h/t Frederick Vandenbosch on Twitter]


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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