LEMPA, the Lean Mean Programming Machine, Turns a Raspberry Pi Into a Standalone AVR/ESP Programmer

The Python-powered LEMPA software joins a custom HAT to make headless microcontroller flashing as simple as possible.

The LEMPA HAT and software turn a Raspberry Pi into a smart standalone flasher. (📷: Roey Benamotz)

Roey Benamotz's LEMPA aims to make flashing new firmware onto Microchip ATmega/ATtiny and Espressif ESP microcontrollers as easy as possible, by turning any Raspberry Pi or compatible single-board computer into a standalone programmer.

"LEMPA is a combination of software and hardware to allow easy..ish programming of micro controllers such as Arduino (ATMega), ESP, and others directly from the [Raspberry] Pi with as little wire mess as possible," Benamotz explains. "A custom PCB [...] contains all the relevant connections required to program: ATmega328 (including external oscillator); ATtiny; ESP8266; Arduino Mini Pro; Any other ATmega controller via connector."

Designed to sit atop a Raspberry Pi or any other single-board computer with compatible general-purpose input/output (GPIO) header, the LEMPA HAT includes a ZIF socket for quick insertion and removal of target DIP-format microcontrollers, a header for an Arduino Pro Mini 3V, and a connector for an ATtiny. LEDs are provided for visual feedback, another for testing whether a microcontroller has been flashed successfully, a jumper for profile selection, and a button which triggers the flashing process.

The hardware's only half the story, though: Benamotz has also written Python-based software which handles the management of profiles, can pull down updates from a remote server on the local or wider network, and which performs the actual flashing via avrdude. This software runs directly on the Raspberry Pi or compatible host, making the LEMPA completely standalone without the need for a separate PC.

The software for LEMPA has been released under an unspecified license on GitHub; the hardware, meanwhile, can be purchased on Tindie for $19.99.


Freelance journalist, technical author, hacker, tinkerer, erstwhile sysadmin. For hire: freelance@halfacree.co.uk.

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