Keep an Eye on Things With a Wireless Raspberry Pi Security Camera

Have you ever thought that it would be nice to have a camera temporarily in one place, sending what it observes to your computer? Something…

about 7 years ago

Have you ever thought that it would be nice to have a camera temporarily in one place, sending what it observes to your computer? Something like this could perhaps be used to, say, guard your desk from afar, or literally watch your back while you’re working on a laptop. As shown in this HackMyPi write-up, it’s quite simple to pull off hardware-wise.

The project starts out with a normal Raspberry Pi Zero, along with a Red Bear IoT pHAT. You can skip the pHAT step with the new Pi Zero W, but either way you’ll need to add a Pi Camera, a LiPo connector, and the actual battery.

After that, it’s a matter of setting up the software correctly, and congratulations, you now have a surveillance gadget that James Bond would be proud of.


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