Jenkins Automation Software Calls for Help With a Flashing Beacon Light!

Using software tools to help with software development is a really useful concept, but when things don’t quite work out as planned, often…

over 7 years ago

Using software tools to help with software development is a really useful concept, but when things don’t quite work out as planned, often an actual human needs to step in and help. The question is, how does a software tool ask for a human’s help without a person continuously being bombarded by messages in Slack or via email?

One way would be a large flashing beacon light in your company’s office. Mike Fettis built this kind of alarm system for with variety of software, including Jenkins that they use to help automate tasks. Hardware was handled by the ESP8266 module on an Adafruit HUZZAH board. Now whenever there’s a problem, the light goes off and things are (hopefully) corrected in record time!

You can read more about the project in its blog post here.


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