HIDIOT Is the Little Computer That Could

The Human Interface Device Input/Output Toolkit, better known as HIDIOT, is an open source, credit card-sized device that you can build…

about 7 years ago

The Human Interface Device Input/Output Toolkit, better known as HIDIOT, is an open source, credit card-sized device that you can build from scratch — even with no prior soldering experience.

With an ATtiny85 at its core, HIDIOT is the perfect kit for young Makers or hobbyists looking to dip their toes into the waters of electronics. The board can be programmed using the popular Arduino IDE.

Not only can it simulate a keyboard, joystick, mouse or any slow-speed USB HID, HIDIOT also comes with 10 tutorials to teach users hardware and software coding from the ground up. Each one is designed to be an hour long and broken into 15 minute sections with five minute breaks, ideal for parents and children.

Besides coming with a pair of programmable momentary push switches and an LED, you can reuse the spare pins any way you wish on the board’s breakout area. HIDIOT will even work with most sensors, displays and components running at 5V.

From creating a programmer passport, to a volume controller for games, to a super shutdown key for your Raspberry Pi, the possibilities are endless! You can learn more and pre-order your own HIDIOT on Raw Hex’s Kickstarter campaign page here.

And just in case you were wondering, it really can fit in your wallet…


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