Hackster’s Handpicked Projects of the Week Sep 23, 2016

An Arduino Height-Measuring Device, A Hexiwear Security System, An Oil Level Monitor + More

Detecting Well Liquid Loading With, Azure IoT, ML, and Pi
Modernizing legacy IIoT devices using edge of network devices to send data to the Azure IoT hub and machine learning.
Height Measure Using VL53L0X
It is hard to measure the height of the children. So, we made Height Measure using a distance sensor.
Connected Security System
Reinventing the home security system with the IoT method using sensors connected to a Node.JS server.
Open Sesame
Another problem we wanted to solve was dealing with keys, searching them in your backpack, while you simply want to open the door. If you want to make your doors smarter, just make a DIY opening and locking device.
Servo Control Using 4Duino
Control the angular position of the DC servo motor via an I/O port (with PWM output capability) and a touch knob.
Weather Station v1.0
This first version is reading temperature, humidty and pressure in the air and shows on a basic LCD screen 16x2. Users can turn on or off light of the LCD with a button and control contrast level with a potentiometer. Next version (2.0) is already in development and includes an Arduino Mini, a solar panel, and an RF transmitter/receiver.
TV Remote Controlled Light and Fan
Make use of infrared receiver to receive signals and control the relays.
Oil Level Monitoring
This system monitors the oil level and indicates to the user, if the level is below certain level. The backend of the system uses Azure IOT stream analytics and shows the trend of oil consumption. It can be used for predictive maintenance. The system can also tell, if there is unusual consumption of oil that can be caused by potential leakage or other issues.
Combination of smart building and wearable to monitor patient well-being to improve patient care service.
Windows IoT: Basic Control of a Two Wheel Robot
Learn the basics of building and controlling a two wheel robot with two DC motors and the L293D chip using Windows IoT Core.

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