Hackster Live: 15,000 Makers & Growing

We started Hackster Live in 2016 to educate Makers and developers all over the world — from China to Colombia, India to Indianapolis…

We started Hackster Live in 2016 to educate Makers and developers all over the world — from China to Colombia, India to Indianapolis, Seattle to Zimbabwe.

Today we’re reaching over 15,000 makers in their local communities with quality hardware education, workshops and community connection.

Hackster Live by the Numbers

Since February, we’ve grown from zero to 87 ambassadors spanning across 53 locations, running 60+ events each month. Our goal was simple: reach more people in more places with quality content, education and connection, by the community, for the community.

Hackster Live by the Numbers

Meetups We’ve been working with Amazon to conduct monthly Meetups for Makers, hackers, and engineers. Our goal is to have over 15,000 annual participants, which our ambassadors will help drive.

Case Study: Alexa Hackathons (and a Slackathon!) We’ve had six Amazon Hackathons, with 19 more to go. Our ambassadors will continue to run Amazon Hackathons to teach Alexa Skill Building 101 over the next few months. We also recently ran a Slackathon for those who could not attend a physical hackathon.

Alexa Skills Our Hacksters and ambassadors are making great progress towards helping us meet our goal of completing 1,200 Alexa skills and 200 user-generated projects by the Hackster community.


Hacksters have been busy attending Meetups and creating some pretty awesome skills for Alexa… and tweeting about it.

Alexa, Generate a Hackster Project!

Our uber-creative (and witty) ambassador from the DFW area created this skill that generates… interesting project ideas. We are considering using this as a test for new ambassadors.

Alexa, How Many Hacksters Can We Fit in a Room?

Great turnout for our latest Alexa Hackathon in DFW!

Trick or Fire Breathing Watermelon?

Our Charlotte Meetup Group decided to turn up the heat for this Alexa skill.

Alexa Hackathons and Slackathons and Skill Building, oh my! Check out some of our upcoming events here.

What People Are Saying About Our Meetups

Projects and articles from the Hackster Staff!

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