Grandfather Clock Turned Barbot

While hackers have come up with all kinds of unique methods of telling time, Robert Prest has a new take on this concept, turning an…

about 6 years ago Robotics

While hackers have come up with all kinds of unique methods of telling time, Robert Prest has a new take on this concept, turning an inexpensive reproduction grandfather clock into a drink dispenser. The device is powered by a Raspberry Pi, along with an Arduino for the lights, and features four peristaltic pumps to dispense spirits, with gravity-fed jugs for the mixers. Jugs are used in this applications, as the pumps have a difficult time working with carbonated liquids. Each jug spigot can be pulled open with a servo motor.

The system can be controlled via voice, keyboard input, or a web GUI, depending on what’s appropriate. As shown in the video below, when asked, “What time is it?,” the device doesn’t respond, “8:30” or something equally boring, but instead states that, “It’s party time,” lighting up the drink display where the clock pendulum would normally tick away. Another series of queries extends an automated slide that receives a glass, then fills it with the user’s drink of choice.

While not demonstrated, the clock hands aren’t wasted either, and can be actuated with a pair of servos to indicate the number of drinks consumed. It’s a neat build, and something of a work-in-progress at this point, so it will be interesting to see how things progress. It can be seen demonstrated in the first video below, and an explanation about how it works can be found in the second.

[h/t: Reddit]


Engineer, maker of random contraptions, love learning about tech. Write for various publications, including Hackster!

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