Goliath Is a CNC Router Robot Unrestrained by Tables

3D printing tends to be the go-to method of fabrication for most makers these days. 3D printers have become remarkably affordable, and can…

over 6 years ago 3D Printing

3D printing tends to be the go-to method of fabrication for most makers these days. 3D printers have become remarkably affordable, and can quickly and easily churn out the parts you design. But, as great as they are, there are still some things that are more suited to fabrication with more traditional tools. Milling machines, lathes, and other machine tools have been driving the manufacturing industry since the industrial revolution — and there is a good reason for that.

Machine tools are very good at doing the tasks they were designed for quickly and efficiently. Metal 3D printers have been around for a while now, but they’re nowhere close to being as quick as a CNC mill (and can’t match the precision or surface quality either). And, of course, when it comes to large parts (like those cut from sheet material), 3D printers don’t even enter the arena. That’s where the autonomous robotic Goliath CNC machine comes in.

Goliath is a CNC router, which means it’s designed to cut fairly soft materials (like wood, plastic, and aluminum) that are very long and wide, but not very thick. These are your 4’x8’ sheets of plywood or metal that most people are used to seeing at the hardware store. Unlike traditional CNC routers, however, Goliath doesn’t require a large dedicated table and track system. Instead, it drives around on the surface of the sheet and cuts as it goes.

Goliath is on Kickstarter until November 18th, and has already raised more than twice the target funding goal.


Writer for Hackster News. Proud husband and dog dad. Maker and serial hobbyist. Check out my YouTube channel: Serial Hobbyism

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