Four Ways to Control Power Outlets Wirelessly

If you have a light, fan, or other appliance that you want to switch on, the normal method is to physically throw a switch. Obviously this…

If you have a light, fan, or other appliance that you want to switch on, the normal method is to physically throw a switch. Obviously this method is kind of boring with all of the technology available today, and Tim Leland has decided to show us how to accomplish this several different ways.

As seen on Leland’s original post from 2014, which has been featured in several other publications, he outlines how you can control outlets with a Raspberry Pi and a radio frequency (RF) transmitter/receiver pair.

Following up on this, Leland reveals how to install HomeBridge on the Raspberry Pi to command everything via Siri, then expands even further with Google Home and Amazon Echo.

Whether you want to do exactly what he did, or build upon it, his guides are probably a good place to start if you’re looking to get into smart home applications.


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